Since Giada was very young, her big passion has been drawing. The passion came from her uncle, who was a very talented artist. He showed her his work and taught her about different techniques.
Giada has had lots of admiration of her drawings from others. During the years, Giada Manfredi also grew a passion for decoupage and sewing.
“I have always loved turtles. Every time I go to a new city or on holiday, I search for something like a pendant or a little figure that shows a turtle. Well ... my house is full of turtles! I found the inspiration from a holiday in Sharm el Sheik, where I was at a boat trip. I was snorkeling, and I hoped to see a turtle...that was my dream. Three excursions were planned that day. During the first and the second excursions, I saw many beautiful fish but no turtles. On the third excursion I had almost given up hope. And just there I saw an amazing sea turtle that was swimming next to me! I was so excited that I could not move. It looked like the turtle was dancing, as a flower cradled by the wind.”